Friday, August 31, 2007

Visitors and More

On Wednesday night, Duke and Crestfallen flew in to visit. They'll be here until Monday. So far, we haven't done too much, because we're all pretty much working. Both Duke and CF have been working remotely from my place, and I've had to go in to the office as usual. But, we did get to play some Carcassonne. I don't think Duke's a fan of the game right now, but I suspect that will change after he gets the hang of it and begins to appreciate the subtleties in strategy.

Tonight, QB will be joining us for dinner over at The Grill on the Alley. I've never been there, but Duke says it's great. I'm definitely looking forward to some good steak. Recently, as you may recall, I've been a fan of Alexander's Steakhouse. So, we'll see how The Grill stacks up.

And, I'll leave you all with this interesting software license agreement. I stole this from the Worse Than Failure (previously the Daily WTF?). Here's more info on their eco-friendly license agreement. I'm no eco-warrior, but I still think that this is an interesting way to push your world view onto others.

Hope everyone has a fun Labor Day weekend. Check you all later!

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