I had the good fortune of dining at the State Bird Provisions (
http://statebirdsf.com/) a couple days ago. A friend was very much on top of the situation and was able to make a Friday night reservation happen. There was a lot of build-up leading to the dinner itself, as reservations had been made a full two months in advance.
The restaurant has been getting great reviews, and the style is interesting. They serve small plates to share, some of which are ordered from the menu and others from trays that circle around the tables in dim sum fashion.
The primary downer for the meal was that I was feeling a bit under the weather. So, I was not a great dinner companion, and I probably didn't get the true experience as I'm sure my taste buds were not 100% on their game.
Anyway, the food was overall very good for the price. A few dishes were spectacular, but overall they weren't out of this world. But, that was totally fine as the price tag was not outrageous. The only dish that our group thought was a miss was the Seafood and Pork Belly Pancake. That dish was simply overly salty and did not taste much like anything we expected. The staff explained it was due to the kimchi, but I would disagree, as the salty flavor did not resemble kimchi at all.
As for returning for another meal... it basically comes down to the difficulty of obtaining a reservation. If it weren't for that, then I am certain that I would be coming back to try their other dishes, which change with some regularity, I hear. Of course, I could try getting a seat as a walk-in some time.
Here are some photos. Enjoy!
State Bird Provisions Menu |
California Quail |
Cumin Lamb |
Duck Liver Mousse and Almond Biscuits |
Huckleberry Marinated Beets with Goat Cheese |
Raw Oysters |
Red Trout, Mandarin, Hazelnut Brown Butter |
Seafood and Pork Belly Pancake |
Seafood Salsa |
Shrimp, Avocado, and Nori Chips |
Sweetbread with Figs |
Sweet Corn and Garlic Chive Pancake |
Braised Beef Curry, Bok Choy, and French Crêpes |
Plum Jam Ice Cream Sandwich, Cocoa Nib Macaron |
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المادة مصنوعة من الاخشاب البلاستيكيه المقاومه ل تقلب المناخ..
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من خدماتنا أيضاً: هناجر ، كلادينج، سواتر، قرميد، شبوك .
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