Sunday, March 21, 2010


Yesterday, I had the pleasure of eating at Kaita Restaurant in San Jose's Japantown. It was only by chance that we ended up there, as our original plan was to go to Minato. Upon arrival at Minato, we saw a lot of people waiting outside, and we were both pretty hungry, so we decided to find some place else.

In the end, I'm glad we got to try it out. I felt the food was on par with that at Minato, and they had actual sushi that was decent enough; for the record, Minato only serves sashimi. I had chicken terriyaki, which was nothing special, but good in my opinion. I also had tuna and yellowtail sashimi, as well as Ika and Ikura pieces. I thought the sashimi was really good as was the Ika. The Ikura was very average, and I probably would not get that there again.

Also, they do serve Yebisu despite not being in their menu. Huge plus! We only thought to ask because they had a newspaper review clipping on their wall, and the picture showed some food with a bottle of Yebisu in the background. Anyway, if you haven't ever had that beer before, you really should try it. It's our favorite Japanese beer.

So, that's it for the quick review. If you want fairly simple Japanese food, and you're in SJ, check out Kaita (or Minato, which I still like quite a bit).

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