Monday, February 11, 2008

More Chess -- Missed Mate

Well, I got my friend Womper to start playing again. We used to play a lot many years ago. Although he's a bit rusty, our games have produced a few complicated positions. Womper's not the only one that's a bit rusty though, as seen by this position from last night where I miss a forced mate.

I'm Black here, and it's my move. Post-game analysis concludes that I overlooked a Mate in 4. I'm posting the position here for anyone that wants to have a look. I'll post up the mating sequence as a comment in a few days if no one else does.


  1. Nc6+ Kb7
    Qb5+ Ka8
    KxPc7+ RxKc7

  2. You have a typo, and the notation backwards (recall, we're looking at the board from Black's point of view). But, it is the correct sequence. Nice work.

    Corrected the notation here:

    ... Nf3+
    Kg2 Qg4+
    Kh1 Nxf2+
    Rxf2 Qg1++
