Friday, February 02, 2007

Solid Stock PerFORMance and Poker

Today, FormFactor (FORM) jumped a solid 10% on strong earnings and a fairly upbeat and confident outlook going forward. I listened to the conference call yesterday, and it was quite positive. The company's technology is still pretty far ahead of its competition, and they landed a large contract with Hynix. The large order announcement clearly shows that FORM is making headway in the flash memory testing market.

Altria Group (MO) announced its earnings yesterday, and said that they would be completing a spin-off of Kraft to shareholders on March 31. Other than this announcement, nothing all that eventful was said.

Eastman Kodak (EK) also announced its earnings results yesterday. The company turned a profit. They explained in their conference call that the decreases in their digital revenues was a result of their previously described strategy to improve upon their margins. All in all, the results were strong, and maybe it is finally time to see the turnaround really materialize. I want so bad to be vindicated. I would have to say that this is the position that I've taken the most crap and negativity from others. So far, the naysayers have been right, as the position has underperformed the general market significantly. Anyway, the company says that a lot more information will be released on Feb 8 at a major investor's conference. So, stay tuned for that.

Finally, let me just toot my own horn a bit. I've played 7 sessions of live poker this year. Most sessions are 6-8 hours apiece. In any case, I'm 7 for 7 in '07. 777 -- time to play a slot machine. Yay, Poker! Play was mostly in 6/12 and 8/16 limit with a couple short mini-sessions in the $5-200 while awaiting a seat in my bread-and-butter limit games.

Okay, that's it. Have a good night!


  1. are you going to dump KFT when you get it? i would think that should be a good buy after it gets artificially hammered down by the MO sellers

    I was thinking about shorting it now but it seems almost too obvious to actually work

  2. I plan on holding KFT. Have you read Greenblatt's book, You Can Be a Stock Market Genius? He has a section dealing specifically about spin-offs and artificial sell-offs and when to buy in.

    It might seem obvious, but apparently market statistics show that it can work.
