Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What's a Gymnopedist?

Recently, I've been kind of hooked on some music by this eccentric composer named Erik Satie, who once introduced himself as a gymnopedist. I have no idea what a gymnopedist is... according to Wiki, it is related to some ancient Greek dance called the gymnopaedia.

I encourage all of you to give his music a try. It's some really good stuff. I know a few of you play the piano, so maybe you've played some of his music. Others may have heard a few of his pieces in movies or perhaps on television.

As far as his music goes, it seems that I like his popular stuff the most, Gymnopédies, in particular. But, some other pieces that I enjoy very much include the first Nocturne, all five Gnossiennes, and also Sonatine Bureaucratique. I don't know much about classical music, but man, seriously he's got some good stuff.


  1. yep, I played the Gymnopedies as a kid. good stuff. if you like him I'd also recommend Debussy - I can suggest specific stuff if you'd like..

  2. I too have recently fallen in love with the music of Erik Satie.

    Upon hearing the orchestrated version of Gymnopédie No. 1 today, my eyes welled up with tears and by the song's end I was crying. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever heard.

  3. I realize this is ten years too late. But,0 i have recently discovered Satie, and there is actually a 6th Gnossienne. The final is too good to be overlooked. It's the shortest, but while alluding the tune, it has a flavor of its own.
