So, I got a new high score on Yeti Olympics. It's probably not all that great, but it's my personal best so far. It does look like I need a ton more practice in the Flamingo Drive event. That score of 323 is pitiful.
This morning, I was able to trade additional Apple (AAPL) shares today (entries at 66.60 and 66.75 with exits at 67.48 and 67.53, respectively) shaving about 1.29 from my effective cost... current effective cost basis is now 72.03. Still underwater quite a bit, but I'm going to wait and see. As I might have mentioned before, if it does drop significantly from here, I will be looking to trim part of the position.
*** Edit #1: Shaved off another 18 cents... with an entry/exit at 68.18/68.43. Updated effective cost basis: 71.85.
nice score but your a Noob so stop playing the game your a discrace to yeti olympics.